In 2018, there are 18 states in the United States with more than 10% of wind power generation.
the Internet
2019-03-18 10:51:02
In 2018, the US wind power and photovoltaic power generation capacity is about 400 billion kWh (400 TWh), which is 7.1 times that of 2008 (56 TWh). In 2008, the coal power generation capacity was 810 billion kWh (1084 TWh), which was 2008 (1986 TWh). 54.5%.
In 2018, there are already 18 states in the United States with more than 10% of wind power and photovoltaic power generation: 1) North Dakota (53.53%), 2) Kansas (47.13%), and 3) Oklahoma (43.38). %), 4) Iowa (43.19%); 5) New Mexico (32.01%); 6) Wyoming (24.94%); 7) South Dakota (21.72%); 8) California (21.23%); 9) Colorado (20.49%); 10) Texas (19.58%); 11) Minnesota (19.07%); 12) Nebraska (16.98%); 13) Oregon (16.71%); 14) Montana (14.88%); 15) Nevada (14.66%); 16) Idaho (13.28%); 17) Utah (11.16%); 18) Arizona (10.33%).
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In 2018, there are already 18 states in the United States with more than 10% of wind power and photovoltaic power generation: 1) North Dakota (53.53%), 2) Kansas (47.13%), and 3) Oklahoma (43.38). %), 4) Iowa (43.19%); 5) New Mexico (32.01%); 6) Wyoming (24.94%); 7) South Dakota (21.72%); 8) California (21.23%); 9) Colorado (20.49%); 10) Texas (19.58%); 11) Minnesota (19.07%); 12) Nebraska (16.98%); 13) Oregon (16.71%); 14) Montana (14.88%); 15) Nevada (14.66%); 16) Idaho (13.28%); 17) Utah (11.16%); 18) Arizona (10.33%).
Disclaimer: The content is partly from the internet. In order to pass on more information, it does not mean agreeing to its views or confirming its description. Article content is for reference only. If there is any infringement, please contact in time.