AC first and DC first switchable inverter
Are you still crazy when you do something very important on your electronic device but the grid power is cut off?
Do you have to bear with the darkness when the sun goes down?
Want to store some power for the night when the grid power is available?
A battery and an inverter that has AC first working mode can perfectly solvethis issue.
("AC first" means using grid power firstly (andcharge battery with high efficiency at the same time), and battery is as backuppower)
As time goes by, someday you may find at some areas or some time period thatthe presure of expensive electricity bill on your shoulder is get heavier andheavier and consider solar power as a solution.
However, new problem arises. To fully take use of the solar power to savecost and avoid the grid power charging the battery, you need to buy anotherinverter with DC first working mode.("DC first"means using battery power firstly, and grid power are as backup power)
Obviously, this is not a wise choice and unnecessary! Then what will youdo?
There is a good news that recently I-Panda developed an intelligent andpowerful I-P-TPI2 series 1kw--6kw inverter that can manually switch the ACfirst working mode and DC first working mode at will. One inverter, fordifferent application areas. The above problems can be easily resolved.
This inverter has been launched on the global market for a few months andreceived lots of good feedbacks. If you are willing to bring green power andlight to the people in need together with I-Panda, please feel free to contactus!
We are a solar charge controller, solar controller, inverter manufacturer, MPPT solar controller factory.