How to design an off grid solar system
Recently, we have manycustomers inquiring about how to design an off grid solar system for their owncustomers? As required, the following steps are a brief introduction.
Take 2000W load and 5 hoursusing time a day as an example.
Total power consumption:2000w*5 hour / 90%( inverter’s conversion efficiency)≈11100WH
1. Inverter selection
It is the best that the load’spower is not more than 80% of the inverter’s rated out power. So we choose2500w inverter here. If the loads are resistive, modified sine wave invertersis ok. For inductive loads, pure sine wave inverter is necessary.
2. Solar panels selection
If the effective sunlighttime is 6 hours per day, and take charging efficiency and power loss during charginginto consideration, the solar panel’s output power should be 11100Wh / 6h / 80%= 2300W (300w * 8 pieces).
3. Charge controller selection
For 300W solar panels, itsmaximum output current is 9A. So your charge controller’s charging currentshould be at least 10A. There are PWM and MPPT type for your choice.
4. Battery selection
If using a 12V battery, with50% depth of discharge, you should use 2300Wh / 12V / 50% ≈400Ah (2 pieces of 200AH) battery.If you choose 24V battery, the battery capacity should be 2300Wh / 24V / 50% ≈200Ah
The above is just a simplecalculation. If you need more accurate configuration, please feel free to contactour I-Panda sales staff.