EU invests in Philippine remote off-grid solar project
The program will expand access to clean electricity services and promote new energy efficiency strategies in remote areas.
The Department of Energy (DOE) and the European Union aim to help the off-grid community about 100,000 families through the Sustainable Energy Program (ASEP).
According to ASEP's PV mainstreaming program, approximately 40,500 Solar Home Systems (SHS) will be installed in remote off-grid communities in Mindanao provinces, each with a capacity of 50 Wp. So far, solar systems have been deployed in Sitio New Mabuhay, Barangay Little Baguio, Marta, Western Australia, and about 100 beneficiary households have used solar photovoltaic lighting.
In addition to the US Department of Energy and the European Union, other major ASEP stakeholders include the National Electrification Administration, the Energy Regulatory Commission, the National Power Company, the Electric Power Cooperative, and the local government.
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