Chinese solar suppliers continue to increase market share
Various strategies implemented by Chinese suppliersto retain global solar PV market share aspirations.
Solar shipments from the Chinese companies increased26% in 2014 Auguest,nearly three-quarters (71%) of all solar products shipmentscame from the top 20 suppliers to the solar industry, according to thelatest report.
“For the global top 20 supply group are Chinese solarsuppliers, and the amount of solar products shipped by them last quarter wasthe highest quarterly level ever reached,” said Ray Lian,
The leading Japanese solar suppliers decreased in 2014 Aug,due to seasonal weakness in the Japanese end-market, following incentivedeclines on April 1, 2014. however, Sharp Solar’s shipments declined by morethan 50% during 2014
Figure 1: Shipments by Region for Leading Chinese PVSuppliers in2014
“Chinese has made it the biggest market supplier to Europe, Australia, and India, during the past 12 months,”added Lian. “Another Chinese supplier, Canadian Solar, also expanded its modulefacility in Canada, whileincreasing shipments to its own downstream projects and to Japan, whereCanadian Solar’s brand awareness has recently improved.”
The domestic solar PV market in China is alsobecoming increasingly important for Chinese module suppliers.”Leading Chinesesolar module suppliers continue to have opportunities to increase shipmentvolumes,” Lian said. “With their domestic market in China forecast to exceed 10 GW in 2014,different supply strategies are likely to emerge to address local and overseasmarkets